Macanache & The Putreds

Macanache in 2011, before releasing the songs which made him known
“Like Martin Luther King I had a dream,
It was as if the world was again a paradise,
I don’t know who and why sent me
To do all you think it’s forbidden .”
(Forbidden – Macanache.2016)

Macanache în 2011, înainte de a lansa melodiile care l-au făcut cunoscut.

“Ca Martin Luther King am avut un vis,
Se făcea că lumea era iar un paradis,
Nu știu cine și de ce pe mine m-a trimis
Ca să fac tot ce credeți voi că e interzis.”
(Interzis – Macanache. 2016)

Photos from 2015, the year Macanache released his first song as an independent hip hop artist:
“Ăsta sunt eu”. (“This is me”).
He is the only Romanian rapper who is using comic rhymes, appreciated by million of fans.
“Born in Titan, raised on the streets,
To get to break in two the microphones as Zidane,
To have the right verse, needed for the eardrum
And to not change myself as the age, bro, from year to year.”

Fotografii din 2015, anul în care Macanache s-a lansat ca artist independent cu: “Ăsta sunt eu”.
Acum este singurul rapper român care folosește rime comice, apreciate de milioane de fani.
“Născut în Titan, crescut pe maidan,
Ca s-ajung să rup în două microfoane ca Zidane,
Să am versu’ care trebe necesar pentru timpan
Și să nu mă schimb ca vârsta, frate, de la an la an.”

“What luck on my father-in-law that I cannot be average
Of course that I built up for myself a socle
To be watched by people from far away with the spyglass.”
(Macanache – Way above.2017)

“Ce noroc pă tata socru’ că nu pot fi mediocru
Desigur că mi-am ridicat un soclu
Să mă privească lumea de departe cu benoclu’.”
(Macanache – Mult peste.2017)

A story song about an employee who quit after discovering that he can work on his dream.
“The boss“ became a hit very soon after its release.

“I struck it lucky boss, tell me, do you wanna tell you?
I opened a business and now I am “prosper-ating”.
My employees respect me, some even love me!”
(Macanache – The boss.2015)

“M-a lovit norocu’ șefu’, ia zi, vrei să povestesc?
Mi-am deschis afacere și-acum “prosperesc”.
Angajații mă respectă, unii mă iubesc!”
(Macanache – Șefu.2015)

The fans wait for Macanache at the concerts and always afterwards his muse, Diana, the one he would like to make immortal.
He sings about her in “Diana”, released in 2017.

“If I knew that you will appear in my life,
I would have waited for you with a cup of coffee,
I remember that I touched Nirvana
The day I met you, Diana.”
(Macanache – Diana.2017)

Pe Macanache îl așteaptă fanii la concerte, iar după, întotdeauna muza lui Diana, cea pe care ar vrea să o facă nemuritoare.
El cântă despre ea în piesa “Diana”, care a apărut în 2017.

“Dacă știam că o s-apari în viața mea,
Te așteptam măcar c-o ceașcă de cafea
Mi-aduc aminte c-am atins Nirvana
În ziua-n care te-am întalnit Diana.”
(Macanache – Diana.2017)
(Macanache – Diana.2017)

Macanache T-shirts. 2017 collection
Photos with Macanache & The Putreds

Tricouri Macanache. Colecție 2017
Fotografii cu Macanache & The Putreds

“Ive no time” – The Putreds. First album, new sound

The Putreds band is releasing their first album on January 19th, in Quantic Club, Bucharest.

To celebrate this moment, we are sharing with you a special collection of photos, taken during the last three years, most of which are now published for the first time.

THE PUTREDS: 6 musicians, many talents
PHOTOS: backstage/ concerts. album covers/first time published

Sometimes classic, sometimes “colored”, these artists are passionate about their work and they share feel good vibes through an incredible mix of sound styles.


Macanache – Voice
Radu Burcea – Guitar & Voice
Silviu „Diego” Ruta – Bass Guitar
Silviu „Papai” Dobrescu – Keyboard & Voice
Cătălin Gorgon-Grigorescu – Trumpet
Andrei Eusebiu – Drums

(“Nam timp” – The Putreds – 2018)

Macanache is singing with The Putreds band since 2015.

After reinventing the meaning of the Romanian word “putred” – which by definition means “rotten” – an universal flavor was added to style it and “The Putreds” name was created.

Macanache dedicated an entire song (“Putred”) to define a new meaning for this word. He placed it on the slang shelf, above the “cool” jar, into a cocktail shaker with “fresh”, “fur”, “merchandise”, “concrete” people, showing “no airs and graces” attitude. Yes, these are actually appreciation words which gained popularity after being used heavily in our underground culture.

By now, Macanache and The Putreds style was more in the hiphop zone, with the band acting as Maca’s instrumental extension, adding a new vibe to his songs.

“Ive no time” has a more relaxed sound, being built with elements from funk, reggae, rock, rap, jazz, blues and a Macanache chillout voice.

The album and its first release “Ive no time” is the short version of “I have no time”, incorrectly spelled because, as the artist said, he was too busy to write the longer version. The same way we are always busy for everything these days. Everyday in a rush, missing the times spent with our friends and family. To not forget who we are in this chase through life, the first release called also “Ive no time”, reminds us to stay true to ourselves, even when “Everyone wants you to be, what they want you to be”. After all, we have only one “T-shirt” to wear if we want to follow our dreams: ourselves.

So, what’s your favorite slang for “cool”?

(“Nam timp” – The Putreds – 2018). Primul album, un stil nou

The Putreds lansează primul lor album pe 19 Ianuarie, în Club Quantic din București.

Postăm zilele acestea o colecție specială de fotografii din ultimii trei ani, majoritatea fiind publicate pentru prima oară acum.

Cu o atitudine clasică uneori, “colorată” alteori, acești artiști ne transmit starea lor de bine, arătând că iubesc ceea ce fac printr-un mix incredibil al mai multor stiluri muzicale.
(“Nam timp” – The Putreds – 2018)

FOTOGRAFII: din spatele scenei/concerte. postere ale albumelor/publicate pentru prima dată
THE PUTREDS: 6 artiști, multe talente

Macanache – Solist
Radu Burcea – Chitară și Voce
Silviu „Diego” Ruta – Chitară Bass
Silviu „Papai” Dobrescu – Clapă și Voce
Cătălin Gorgon-Grigorescu – Trompetă
Andrei Eusebiu – Tobe

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