
There comes a time when you lift yourself on your heels, you see your soul and you search for yourself.
Wrapped in a sensation of something familiar, you let yourself slide smoothly to unknown lands. You feel no hot or cold, so you begin to undress. Of you. Of everything.
All is happening slow, as the trip of a snail to his shell center.
The memory of a heartbeat – an unextinguished desire – brings you back to life. So you start the search again.
And again.


Vine o vreme cand te ridici pe calcai, iti vezi sufletul si te cauti.
Invaluit intr-o senzatie a ceva cunoscut, te lasi sa aluneci fin catre tinuturi necunoscute. Nu ti-e cald, ori frig, asa ca incepi sa te dezbraci. De tine. De tot.
Totul se intampla incet, precum calatoria unui melc spre centrul cochiliei sale.
Amintirea unei batai de inima – o placere nestinsa – te readuce la viata. Asa ca incepi iar cautarea.
Si iar.

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